The basics

This section gives us a general idea of what you are submitting; detailed questions depending on the submission type you choose will follow in the next section.

Provide a title for your talk or workshop. We may suggest alternative wordings to you afterwards. For games simply give us the official name. This content will be shown publicly.

You can choose between the following: - Talk (panel or solo presentation, short or long) - Lightning talk (part of a special talk slot) - Workshop - Game/project showcase (arcade option available). Longer explanations on the previous page - make sure to save before going backwards though.

Sell us & the audience on your proposal. Who is your talk/workshop targeting? What makes your game special? This content will be shown publicly.

If you have a co-speaker, please add their email address here, and we will invite them to create an account. If you have more than one co-speaker, you can add more speakers after finishing the proposal process.