Benjamin Oesterle (njamster)
Computer Scientist from Berlin. I started using Godot in 2017, after a friend introduced me to the engine at the Berlin Mini Jam. Odds are high that you have come across at least one of my answers on the official forum. Also, I'm fairly active on Mastodon, where I run the FediJam.
Yes, Godot is a game engine, but a fairly capable UI framework for making non-game software as well! A frequently cited fact is that the engine's editor itself is written in Godot. So in this talk, I want to shine some more light on this, and share what I have learned while using Godot to make my (free and open source) to-do list app Habituary. I'll cover the fundamentals of working with Control nodes (including topics like responsive UI and theming), but also point out certain showstoppers and annoyances, and present my custom-made solutions to some of those.