[GodotCon24] Call for submissions
Hello there! Thank you for wanting to contribute to the program of this year’s GodotCon, which will take place on the 12+13th of October in Berlin, Germany.
This form accepts the following submission types:
1. Talks on the main stage
Whether you plan to organize a panel or hold a presentation of your own, we are open to hear your ideas! You can choose between a short (25min) or a long (50min) time slot, and we will automatically set aside some audience QA time unless you tell us otherwise.
1.b. Lightning talk
To ensure every presenter gets the same chance, and the tech is already set up in advance, we decided to streamline the process this year. This means that you are limited to 20 slides which are shown for 20s each and the slideshow will be played automatically.
2. Workshops
The venue offers a separate room we can turn into a classroom. Help us showcase the Godot Engine’s capabilities by teaching your fellow GameDevs a new skill in ~2 hours.
3. Games/projects for the showcase
Parts of the venue will be dedicated to an exhibition of Godot games/projects and we would love to have you there.
The booth layout is still in planning and details will depend on some sponsorships, but you can count on a table and ample space for your marketing materials (roll-ups, posters, etc.).
As for tech, we/the sponsors will provide you with a monitor and mouse+keyboard. Any other controllers and notably a gaming machine to connect to that display (laptop, Steam Deck, etc.) have to be brought to the event by you.
3.b. Arcade games
For a subsection of the showcase, we collaborated with a local maker to present three games on arcade machines, so if your project is capable of being played with limited inputs, make sure to mention this in your submission!
Deadline for submissions
31st of July, 10:00 CEST